Student Recognition

Student Recognition

Our school recognizes students at special assemblies throughout the year.  Students may receive special recognition for:

  • Good Behaviour: Shining Star Awards, given in recognition of good behaviour at weekly school assemblies, are placed on the Good Behaviour Wall in the main hallway by the Library. Shining Star Awards are given to students who demonstrate good behaviour or who perform good deeds. Twice a month some lucky students have their names drawn and get to have lunch with the Principal! Students get a special token and a visit from our mascot Buddy!
  • Birthdays:  Student birthdays are recognized at weekly assemblies with a special certificate. 
  • Leadership: Duclos Buddy's Buddies are recognized for their school leadership and involvement in special projects with a special recognition certificate at the Grade Four Farewell assembly in June.
  • Grade Four Farewell: Every June, the school gathers together in a special assembly to honour the Grade Four students as they end their years at Duclos Elementary School and prepare to move on to middle school.  All Grade Four students receive a special certificate at this assembly in recognition of their achievements as students of Duclos School.
  • Kindergarten Graduation - Every June each kindergarten class puts on a special celebration to recognize our little ones for completing their first year of school. 
  • Pre-school year end graduations